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Mr. Harpal Singh
Director, ACG Inspection

Track and Trace Simplified: Demystifying L1 to L5 Implementation Strategies


Counterfeiting of medications is a major problem faced by the global pharmaceutical industry. Owing to globalization, the supply chain for medicines has become lengthier with every step offering another opportunity for counterfeiters. Thus, global track and trace requirements have become stringent putting tremendous pressure on the supply chain’s transparency. 

Pharmaceutical companies do believe that counterfeiting can be reduced significantly by implementing product serialization. Serialization requires a comprehensive system to track and trace the passage of prescription drugs through the entire supply chain. Therefore, serialization is often looked upon as an effort- and cost-intensive process.

ACG works closely with pharmaceutical companies across the globe as a track and trace implementation partner. ACG’s webinar on “Track and Trace Simplified: Demystifying L1 to L5 Implementation Strategies” aims at systematically decoding the Global and particularly DSCSA Track and Trace requirements and preparing for L1-L5 implementation process.

Presented by

Mr. Harpal Singh,

Director, ACG Inspection

Mr. Harpal Singh started his career with an instrumentation company and worked extensively with aviation, automobile and railway industries to conceptualize and develop systems for testing and validating the quality of components. Carrying forward his interest, Mr. Singh started working on promoting packaging quality inspection systems for pharmaceutical industry.  In his current position, he is the Director of ACG Inspection Systems Pvt Ltd and is responsible for international markets, marketing strategies and new product trends and development. In his 10 years of experience, he has been closely associated with anti-counterfeiting endeavours which are being rolled out to globally regulated markets.

Learning objectives
  • Understanding Global Track and Trace regulations and Trends
  • DSCSA Regulations and insights
  • Building the team for managing the Track and Trace project implementation
  • Understanding the implementation needs and selecting the right implementation partner
  • Key challenges and learnings from the worldwide implementation
  • Managing the serialization during actual production process
  • CXOs
  • Heads of Purchase Department
  • Purchase Manager
  • Projects Head
  • Project Manager
  • Head of Regulatory Department
  • Regulatory Consultant
  • Heads of Packaging Department
  • Plant in-Charge/Heads
  • Head of Quality Control
  • Production Heads
  • Production Manager
  • Head of IT Department
Partners and Clients

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