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Better Industry Initiative Academics Campaign

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Published - 06.Oct.2014

The Better Industry Initiative(Bii), powered by Astra Nova Ltd. – a campaign that aims to provide all pharmaceutical professionals with as much free training resources as possible, improving their qualification and knowledge, therefore improving the pharmaceutical industry’s level has already picked up a lot of speed. Clinical Research professionals from all over the world have already registered for the Bii and took full advantage from all the free training resources it has to offer.

A major part of the Better Industry Initiative is the academic side of the campaign. Astra Nova Ltd. is working with universities globally, by providing them with e-learning accounts with free licenses to our full training courses, thus helping students in Clinical Research get a better education, qualification and certification.

Here is what professor James Brown from Portsmouth University had to say about our campaign.
“The good clinical practice (GCP) online training module is an excellentresource for my students as it reinforces and expands upon the core materialdelivered within our pharmacology programme and specifically the drugdevelopment and clinical pharmacology module. It also provides the studentswith opportunities to assess their understanding and knowledge of GCP andwill prepare them well for careers within this field.”

James Brown, Portsmouth University,
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Astra Nova has already started and we will continue working hard with universities from all over the world in an attempt to raise the whole level of the industry, by helping young professionals get into the industry better prepared and more qualified.

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