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Russell Burge
Applications Scientist

Application of Automation for Biologics Formulation Preparation and Stability Studies


Biologic drugs can be inherently prone to degradation and instability and often pose challenges to developers designing safe, stable and effective formulations. To overcome these issue, developers perform screening and stability studies to identify suitable formulations for development. But due to resource limitations, the number of formulations screened is often constrained.

Presented by

Russell Burge, Ph.D.,
Applications Scientist

Russell is an Applications Scientist at Freeslate where he designs and performs demonstrations of automation systems, which are used in the research and development of pharmaceuticals.

He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Arizona State University. Russell obtained a Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry from the Scripps Research Institute.

After graduation, Russell received post-doctoral training at the University of Colorado. During post-doctoral training, Russell worked on the biophysical characterization of RNA and DNA aptamers relevant to the biopharmaceutical industry.

Learning objectives
  • How laboratory automation can be applied to biologics formulation screening and stability studies
  • The benefits of integrating formulation preparation and analytics into a single workflow
  • How laboratory automation can make your scientists more efficient and productive
  • How laboratory automation can broaden the experimental space studies for biologics formulation screening and stability studies
  • Researchers
  • R& D Managers
  • Group Leaders
  • Laboratory Managers/Directors/Supervisors
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